The Church of Sunday Tea :)
Greetings! Welcome to this week’s service of the Church of Sunday Tea. This week we have a guest preacher, Jen, who brings us the divine word of Oh My Chai Tea. Please pay very close attention to what Jen has to say.
The Hymns for today:
Beer is the Leaven
Stop and Dip Your Bread With Me
Share the Chai
Mixing Binds Us Together
Don’t Forget to Come
Here are this week’s Parish Announcements:
Remember, that due to the guest preacher, our usual service will be at ONE THIRTY in the afternoon. No donations are required to attend. Please note that due to a larger than anticipated volume of visitors to the Church for this service, you may wish to consider alternate parking in the lot on Indian church road, near Seneca. Parking there will avoid any troublesome car moving at four o’clock due to the city parking change. Also due to the change in service schedule, there will be no supper services at the rectory today. Memebers of the Yarn Appreciation Society may bring their supplies, but the beginning of yarn activities may be delayed. Yarn will be provided for any new members. As always, homes are needed for orphan socks. Some of the orphans will be at the service today, if you would like to meet them. The adoption fee is small, and the joy great. Consider adopting a homeless sock today.
Blessings to you all. Wrap your hands around your steaming mug of chai and be happy 🙂