Archive for November, 2009

The Church of Sunday Tea

Good Morning, and welcome everyone to another service of the Church of Sunday Tea.  This is a very festive and busy time for the Parish, so the tea for today is Red Rose Tea, in very large amounts.  The sermon will be on Toast and Jam.  Reflect on your preserves today, everyone.  Jelly or Jam? both have merits.

The Hymns for Today’s service:

Bringing in the Sheaves
Rolling Out the Crusts
Spreading Joy with Pie
Sage Thoughts

And now, the Parish announcements:

There will be two services at the church today.  The early toast service will be at 11:00 am.  Please be prompt.  The late pork chop service will be held at 6:00 pm.  Attendees are asked to please donate rolls.  For the upcoming Holiday the  Services are as Follows:

Thanksgiving Eve Potato Mash. Noon. 
Thanksgiving Eve Pie and Stuffing Distribution 5:30 PM. 
Thanksgiving Eve Tea Service 6:00 PM 
Thanksgiving Day Last Flight Sunrise Service 6:00 AM.
Thanksgiving Day Morning Parade Service 9:00 AM
Thanksgiving Day High Service NOON
Thanksgiving Day Pie Service 5:00 PM
Thanksgiving Day Mint Service 6:00 PM
Thanksgivng Day Tryptophan Vespers 8:00 PM
Black Friday Sunrise Service TBA
Black Friday Mission Service…Ruby Tuesday’s 11:00 AM
Black Friday Evening Service 6:00 PM

The Pie Crust Committee meets this afternoon in the parish kitchen.  Please bring an apron and your own pie plates.  The yarn appreciation Society will be meeting later this week, hooks and yarn will be provided.  Anyone with donations for any of the Holiday services are kindly asked to hold them until the day of the service due to lack of space in the parish refrigerator.  Any questions should be directed to the rectory.  With the continued good weather, a polite reminder to our parishoners…it is NOT a sin to put your Christmas lights up.  It IS a sin to turn them on before DECEMBER first.  Thank you for your attention in this matter.

It is the season to be thankful for all our freinds and family, and for the tea we share when we can be together.  One lump or two?

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The Church of Sunday Tea

Good morning.  Welcome all to the Church of Sunday Tea.  The tea for today will be Earl Grey, hot. (picard maneuver).  Nothing cheers a grey chill November day like bergamot-scented tea.

The Hymns for today’s service are as follows:

Welcome Travellers To the Church
Play-doh Crumpets Crumble
Wash the Sheets Together
Tea Sootheth the Weary Friend

There is Kindness in the Jam-Jar

 There is kindness in the jam-jar
as you spread the jelly, share
nice warm crumpets from the toaster
blending with the butter there

Tea and crumpets make us happy
when we share them with our friends
there is so much joy in tea time
we hope tea time never ends

Spreading jam on scones or crumpets
makes these baked goods extra nice
whether summer or in winter
even if the tea be iced

So bake your crumpets and your sweet scones
call a friend to share with you
all the sweetness of the jam jar
when you ask one lump or two

And now for the Parish announcements:

The usual evening supper service at the church will not be held, due to an outing of the Yarn Appreciation Society. Instead, there will be a sunrise tea service AND and afternoon tea service.  Those attending the afternoon service are asked to be prompt, due to the Yarn members travel arrangements.  Socks still need homes.  We understand that these are hard times, but nothing softens hard times like soft socks.  Please visit and open your home to one of these orphans soon.  The piecrust meeting is tentatively scheduled for next Sunday.  If there is enough interest, this will be the official date of the meeting.  Please contact the rectory.  Also, volunteers are needed to do advanced prep for the annual Christmas Cookie event.  Contact Peapod Directly if you wish to be involved.  Also note.  It is still fruitcake weather.  All parishioners are encouraged to read the sacred text “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote.  Finally, anyone wishing to mush kittens this week should call at the parish for details.

Today, meditate on sugar cubes…something ordinary turned into something special.  One lump or two? Ask that every day 🙂

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The Church of Sunday Tea

Welcome all to another meeting of the Church of Sunday tea.  The theme for today’s sermon is sleeping in and cuddling under the covers.  Cats optional.  Today’s service tea will be Chai.

The hymns for the sevice today will be:
Pumpkins in the Pie
Laundry is a Humble Duty
Bringing in the Sheaves
Cider and Doughnuts Bring Us Together

The Parish announcements are as follows:

The Pastor would like to thank all who made the Hallowe’en Tea a success…your attendence was much appreciated.  Hallowe’een *is* a day of holy obligation for those adhering to the tenets of the Church, those who missed the evening service may call the rectory for pennance.  There are still doughnuts and cider available, those wishing to partake should call at the church at six.  Anyone on the Church decoration committee should report to help put Jack O’Lanterns into storage, and to prepare the Thanksgiving displays.  We will be accepting *all* turkey donations, but twenty pounds and over are prefered.  There will be a meeting of the Pie Crust society soon…watch this space for a date.  Socks still need homes.  PLEASE visit and do what you can.

This Sunday is a good Sunday to go out for Indian food and drink chai.  Be sure to do both with someone and stir up something nice 🙂

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