Archive for June, 2011

The Church of Sunday Tea

Good morning everyone, and welcome to another service of the Church of Sunday Tea 🙂

Today’s theme is Crumpets.  Everyone should eat more crumpets.  Not just with tea, but all the tiime.  Crumpets need to be elevated to a food group unto themselves.  Please all meditate on crumpets, and consider having some, and sharing some, today.

Because of the Mission Saturday “Star Wars Night” at the Ballpark with the Parish of The North Ridge, there will be no formal services at the Church today.  Informal services will occur if and when any parishoners drop by.  Instead, the Pastoress will be attending to neglegted chores :), so everyone is encouraged to please excuse rampant untidyness.

And now, a few parish announcements:

There will still be a Sunday Supper, howver, commons are short, so pot luck is the order of the day. Donations gratefully accepted.  The Yarn Appreciation Society *will* still be meeting tonight, don’t forget supplies.  Patterns will be provided, and the evening’s film is open for discussion.  Members should call the rectory to confirm arrival times.

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This is the first basket of the season, and it is a nice one. 🙂 Leeks, asparagus, a few celery roots and a big bag of baby spinaches.

Some of the thicker asparagus are marinating in a bit of olive oil and vinegar, for grilling this weekend, the rest will be steamed. The spinach will probably be part of a nice salad, and the leeks will be added to lots of stuff…omelettes, a crock-pot turkey breast, and in salad.

Trudie will get some of the trimmings, but not much from this one… the spinach stems, leek tops and celery root trimmings will all go to make some veggie broth, and then canned. Also destined for the canner this weekend will be some sauerkraut, which has been happily percolating in the fridger 🙂 yum 🙂

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