The Church of Sunday Tea
Welcome all to another meeting of the Church of Sunday tea. The theme for today’s sermon is sleeping in and cuddling under the covers. Cats optional. Today’s service tea will be Chai.
The hymns for the sevice today will be:
Pumpkins in the Pie
Laundry is a Humble Duty
Bringing in the Sheaves
Cider and Doughnuts Bring Us Together
The Parish announcements are as follows:
The Pastor would like to thank all who made the Hallowe’en Tea a success…your attendence was much appreciated. Hallowe’een *is* a day of holy obligation for those adhering to the tenets of the Church, those who missed the evening service may call the rectory for pennance. There are still doughnuts and cider available, those wishing to partake should call at the church at six. Anyone on the Church decoration committee should report to help put Jack O’Lanterns into storage, and to prepare the Thanksgiving displays. We will be accepting *all* turkey donations, but twenty pounds and over are prefered. There will be a meeting of the Pie Crust society soon…watch this space for a date. Socks still need homes. PLEASE visit and do what you can.
This Sunday is a good Sunday to go out for Indian food and drink chai. Be sure to do both with someone and stir up something nice 🙂